Reviews of recent and forthcoming books. Most titles were supplied by the publisher via Amazon Vine.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Julian Barnes, LEVELS OF LIFE
Luke Barr, PROVENCE, 1970
The subtitle also promises "the Reinvention of American Taste," but doesn't really deliver: to the extent that it has occurred at all (I think well-to-do writers like Barr often lose sight of how most Americans continue to eat), it had already been created by these key players at the time they arrived in Provence. Fisher and Child were at points of professional or intellectual transition, yes, but the significance of that was more personal than national. And it's on the personal level that Provence, 1970 succeeds, as a romantic portrait of colorful characters exploring their passions in a picturesque setting. Barr tells the story well, balancing light biographical detail with charming incident and fascinating descriptions of culinary methods. An epilogue describing Barr's own visit to Provence is a fine piece of writing on its own merits, but somewhat jarring attached to the historical material. One wonders if it wasn't included in part to pad out what is not a physically substantial book. In any case, this is delightful reading. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to those utterly unfamiliar with the people involved-- there isn't enough background to give readers who know nothing about the period a sense of just what was at stake and where everyone was coming from-- but if you're already an admirer of Fisher, Child, Beard, Olney, or Beck, this is an excellent window into the social world of the people who brought French cooking into the American mainstream.
Margaret Drabble, THE PURE GOLD BABY
The narrator is another member of Jess' social circle, bright young things of the 1960s literary and intellectual world. Too smart to be cheaply nostalgic, she is nonetheless all too aware of how the physical world of her youth has disappeared, and of how beliefs and practices have developed over time, especially in terms of how an implicitly white, male, and psychologically stable elite relates to women, racial minorities, and the mentally ill. There may be a few too many of these "We wouldn't have called it that then" asides, but in the main Drabble strikes a good balance between reflection and other forms of thematic momentum, using the narrator's crisp recollections to remind readers, as only an elder (but not yet "elderly") novelist can, of how much things change within a single lifetime. She describes the characters-- poets, producers of TV documentaries, charity executives-- in a way that evokes that time and place without creating a caricature; it's a group of people, not an over-elaborate portrait of an era, and the course of the narrative is shaped by credible events rather than contrived dramas. A deep, humanist sympathy is evident throughout, an awareness of universal frailty that's never soppy or morally feeble. Drabble understands the tragedy of growing old, of not being able to control one's body or mind. There may be ambiguities in Jess and Anna's relationship, but it's not due to any failing in either of them; it's simply the nature of our imperfect capacity to connect with one another.
There are novels that succeed by examining a single theme, character, or situation in ruthless clarity, and there are novels that succeed by tangling several issues in a way that reflects the complexity of life as it is actually lived. This is one of the latter. It would take many more words than I'm prepared to write to explain how this novel weaves together care homes, Dr. Livingston, Pearl Buck, and a doctor who specializes in bladder ailments. But I should emphasize that the flow of the narrative is so natural these intellectual concerns never feel shoehorned in, or like work. Drabble is unafraid to be flatly expository where necessary, allowing her to cover simple material more succinctly than the unnecessary application of "show don't tell" would allow. The result is a novel of three hundred pages with the richness of an epic, punctuated by dry asides ("Air terrorism has had some small beneficial side effects, and the habit of carrying resealable plastic bags on one's person is one of them") and tangential pieces of elegant or moving description. I say that this is a novel about change, but really that's not true: there are books that not "about" anything but the world and characters they describe. In that sense, then, this is a novel about how certain aspects of the 21st century look to London academics and writers who lived through much of the 20th. It can be read and enjoyed simply as a story about a group of characters, but its real power is as a compendium of linked observations on past and present, health and illness, change and stasis. Some readers may be put off by the lack of an obvious narrative or thematic focus, but I for one prefer such complexity to overly-detailed elaboration of overly-familiar themes. The Pure Gold Baby was my first Margaret Drabble novel, and it won't be my last.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
I used to read a lot of Star Trek novels, but about four years ago they stopped appealing to me, and I decided to spend my money on other things. But I'm still in touch with people who do read them, and I've never really lost track of what's going on in the Trek novel "universe." So it was probably inevitable that something would pull me back in. The something has turned out to be an event miniseries where the first two books were written by my two favorite Trek novelists back in the day: David R. George III and Una McCormack. I should note that McCormack, author of the book under review here, is an Internet acquaintance of mine: we follow each other on Twitter and occasionally make unfunny jokes about geeky things. But I was a fan of McCormack's work before I ever "met" her, so I don't think it's the personal-knowledge factor that made The Crimson Shadow such a fast, fun, thoughtful read.
It was, though, probably personal knowledge that got me to read it before the previous book in the series, Revelation and Dust, which I own but hadn't gotten around to when The Crimson Shadow was delivered. I don't know whether I would recommend that course to most readers. There's a biggish plot development in Revelation and Dust that also influences events in The Crimson Shadow; I had already been inadvertently spoiled, but if you're going to read Revelation and Dust at all, you might want to do so before starting The Crimson Shadow.
But enough preliminaries. What is The Crimson Shadow actually about? In a word: Cardassians. There are smallish supporting roles for some TNG regulars, particularly Picard, but this is basically a book about Cardassia. Nearly ten years have passed within the Star Trek universe since the DS9 finale, and the Federation is preparing to withdraw its occupation and humanitarian forces from Cardassia Prime. Federation President Nan Bacco and Cardassian Ambassador to the Federation Elim Garak have worked out on the final agreement, and all that needs to happen now is a signing to seal the deal. But the end of the occupation means a new order, and not even a tailor like Garak can guarantee that it will be a movement toward freedom and democracy rather than a return to authoritarian xenophobia. When unexpected events on Cardassia Prime and elsewhere threaten to unleash chaos, extraordinary steps may prove necessary to prevent the worst. But will those steps bring about the very moral decline they're meant to avert?
The interesting thing about this novel is that it manages at once to be a fast-paced quick read (I only needed a few hours) and a resonant examination of a society in transition. McCormack has always been good with Cardassians (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Never Ending Sacrifice was the last Trek book I read four years ago, and I definitely left on a high note), and here she focuses on how the Cardassians as defeated aggressors can come to terms with their past and shape a decent future. While there's one obvious demagogue, most characters are honestly trying to do the best thing in a difficult situation, at least according to their own frames of references. But since those frames of reference were shaped by a society that was poisonous and eventually poisoned itself, there's plenty of room for conflict. Almost everyone has something to be guilty about, must struggle with the line between acceptable bending of the rules for the greater good and abuse of power. After a light-hearted Part One, events take a darker turn in Part Two, and the sense of tragedy is, by Star Trek standards, surprisingly potent, as former allies turn on each other and battle lines are drawn.
But, as I've suggested, this isn't a slog through dark territory. Garak being Garak, there's plenty of humor, and McCormack doesn't feel the need to drive her thematic points home with lugubrious language-- a few mentions of the extent of the wartime devastation and of the inherently inhospitable climate on Cardassia Prime prove sufficient. Intrigues piled on intrigues keep the plot moving at a steady clip without becoming over-complicated. And, as in other books, McCormack occasionally plays with omniscient, slightly obtrusive narration, rather than the straight third-person limited of most Trek fiction. I'd like to have seen more of this, actually; it makes a nice change, and compensates for occasional infelicities in the rest of the prose and in the dialogue. Garak aside, the characters aren't terribly complex, but that has its own benefits: they're ordinary people making their way as best they can in a destroyed world. Overall, The Crimson Shadow is a fine novel, not enormously substantial but more than complex enough for its own purposes, and comes highly recommended to fans of DS9, Garak, or Cardassians generally, and to readers interested in science fiction about the aftermath of tyranny. If you don't want to commit to the full miniseries, it works by itself, but the intersections between it and Revelation and Dust (which I've now started) suggest an intriguing approach to the overall structure of The Fall, one that has me happy, for the moment, to have given Star Trek fiction another shot.
Lost in the Desert: Rick Bass, ALL THE LAND TO HOLD US
Death with Conversations: Javier Marias, THE INFATUATIONS
The theory, of course, is that a literary thriller makes up for narrative deficiencies by psychological or thematic depth-- the "possibilities and ideas" factor-- and by elegant prose. Marias offers the latter but not the former. This is a novel defined by its characters' long-winded philosophical ponderings and dialogues, the kind where everyone sounds the same because they're all speaking with the voice of the author. It's a fine voice, the kind that piles up long sentences that nonetheless remain easily to follow and captivating, but what it has to say is rather less surprising than it seems to imagine. Yes, grief is profound but ultimately transient; yes, people are adept at justifying their own crimes and failings; yes, infatuation inspires embarrassing impulses even in those who are aware of their irrational state. And yes, we can never really know whether others are lying to us. These are timeless and powerful themes; however, their potency depends not on artful generalized expression but on their embodiment in complicated yet credible characters, and Marias is far more interested in style than in characterization. His vertiginous sentences may be a delight to read, but the flood of additional clauses elaborates without adding nuance-- they have mass, but not weight. Only occasionally does an aperçu inspire the sense of unexpected truth toward which they all so evidently aspire.
What saves the book from collapsing under its unfulfilled ambitions is the protagonist, Maria. Known to the couple in the cafe as "the Prudent Young Woman," she's the closest thing to a rich character the novel has to offer, and does end up presenting a quietly effective study in how outward lives can fail to reflect the intensity of the impulses and desires storming beneath the surface. She's not a rounded character in the traditional sense, but her thoughtful evaluations of her own behavior and those of the people she meets do suggest a distinctive personality that grounds the fanciful narrative. The Infatuations may be too much in the familiar vein of the postmodern novel about truth and deception, but it offers small compensations that balance its larger failings.
As you might expect, unreliable narration is an issue, but less in terms of outright dishonesty than of Perina's failure to understand the extent of his own pathology, to recognize the irony of describing his life as "a story with disease at its heart." Some might see the central question of the novel as how a man so brilliant could do something so awful, but to my mind that's a red herring: genius and morality have no easily quantified relationship. The true subject here is the mutually destructive connection between Perina and the country of U'ivu. Perina, already isolated and emotionally vulnerable after an unusual childhood and an education in the lonely, awkward world of biological research, is further unmoored by the strangeness of U'ivu's jungle landscape and the different social norms he finds there. And later, as Perina's shocking discovery becomes known, U'ivu itself is changed forever by the arrival of Americans, whose clothing, diet, and culture soon threaten to wipe out traditional ways.
Yanagihara knows to approach these issues of colonialism and cultural evolution with a light touch, evoking the inherent tragedy quickly but deftly, and filtering it through Perina's own peculiar perceptions, which mix guilt at what he has brought on with a rather racist sense of his own superiority to the pitiable U'ivuians. A similar ambivalence is present in Perina's commentary on medical ethics, which on the surface is a chillingly indifferent justification of cruelty to animals and humans but which reflects clear guilt about some of the things he's done. That Perina is a nuanced, regretful figure rather than a strawman of scientific and imperial arrogance, is part of the subtlety that keeps The People in the Trees from collapsing under the weight of its own ambitions. It helps also that the world of the novel is richly realized. Yanagihara's prose isn't very elaborate-- more stylish than one would expect from a pure scientist, but not much more-- but that very simplicity, and the work she has clearly done making the settings, cultures, and characters credible, creates a sense of the lifelike more meaningful than what simple vividness of language could achieve.
It's difficult to capture without extensive quotation the intelligence and humanity that Yanagihara demonstrates in her deployment of Perina's perspective, which like most unreliable narration undermines itself for the attentive reader. It's also difficult to say whether the book's finest section is the middle-- Perina's journey into U'ivu, which without becoming overly stylized reflects the emotional dislocation of entering an unfamiliar landscape and meeting people radically different from oneself-- or the ending-- Perina's adoption of dozens of native children and the home life he builds for them, in which his ignorance of the sheer strangeness and sadness of his existence generates a kind of sympathy even as he behaves as monstrously as a man can behave. The former is more stylistically intense, but the latter sharpens the novel's thematic potency by bringing into focus the links between personal and socio-political self-delusion. In any case, the greatness of The People in the Trees is not in an individual section, but in its scope as a whole, the unstated connections that invite rereading, if one can bear to endure its tragedies anew. This smart, heartbreaking novel is one of the best I've read this year.
Stéphane Michaka, SCISSORS
Michael Farris Smith, RIVERS
There's a lot to admire about Rivers. Smith's prose captures the melancholy and the terror of endless rain and wind, a fine metaphor for depressive grief. Long sentences uninterrupted by commas create narrative momentum and a sense of the simple desperation of life below the Line. The pace is sharp enough that the unfocused, not-especially-original plot only becomes an issue in hindsight. But when one looks back, one realizes that there's not much new about the bleak view of humanity on offer here, and the language isn't powerful enough to give familiar themes fresh intensity. It doesn't help that Cohen's grief, while well-evoked in individual passages, becomes monotonous in the long term, as unleavened portrayals of dysfunction so often do. And it's difficult to reconcile Cohen's grief with the bursts of dramatic activity that life in a dystopian milieu demand: "I can't go on, oh wait, it's time for an action scene." You can gloss this in terms of survival instincts, but the underlying issue is that Cohen isn't a rounded enough character for his behavior to stand up to scrutiny.
Other characters are even more broadly sketched, and awkwardly integrated into a novel that's mostly about Cohen. Several of them disappear abruptly three-quarters of the way through, leaving one to wonder what they were doing in the story at all. And then the ending increases the question to "What was the point of any of that?" I suppose it's reasonable in terms of tone, the struggle between despair and hope that the novel has dramatized, but it's not an intellectually or emotionally satisfying resolution, and it solidifies the sense that this material would have been better served by the novella form. At novel length it fall just short of doing any one thing well enough to make for a real success.
A. Scott Berg, WILSON
One gets the sense that Berg wants readers to draw parallels between Wilson's time and the present day-- for example, between Wilson, perceived as an intellectual, beloved by liberals for his rhetorical gifts, loathed as a socialist by obstructive conservatives, and Barack Obama, perceived, beloved, and loathed on the same terms. But Berg disrupts his own presentation here. He does very little to demonstrate Wilson's intellectual heft, preferring to quote broad statements of principle rather than thoughtful, nuanced arguments. And Wilson's religiosity, which is mentioned sparingly in the text but reinforced by overwrought biblical chapters titles and epigraphs, brings to mind parallels to another recent president who launched foreign wars. So (adhering for the moment to the popular image of the recent presidents) which was Wilson really: a rigorous intellectual like Barack Obama or a crusading moralist like George W. Bush?
Beats me. A great biography would have helped resolve the issue, but Berg misses or ignores key points at which Wilson's thoughts and his moral instincts are possibly in conflict. Wilson proudly disclaimed political patronage and cronyism-- then gave in to it after getting elected. On social issues like race relations and (until 1918) women's suffrage, he claimed to prefer gradual state-by-state change, but his economic programs were sweeping and federal. Did he ever justify the difference? Berg quotes a suffragette who confronted Wilson on this point. The president's response was a prickly "I do not care to discuss that." Nor, apparently, does Berg. Then there's the matter of World War I. Berg goes to great lengths to emphasize Wilson's reluctance to enter the war, his understanding of its horrors, his efforts to pursue peaceful neutrality. Then, as the US enters the war, he quotes Wilson's rhetoric about a grand struggle for the fate of the very world from which the country could not afford to absent itself. Berg makes no effort to explain this comparatively abrupt move from ambivalence to ardor; one is left to imagine that one day Wilson smacked his forehead and said, "Duh-- there's a moral element!" Nor does he explore how Wilson's wheeling and dealing at Versailles, or his interventions in Latin America, fit into his devotion to self-determination. Indeed, he barely discusses Latin America at all; at one point I was startled to discover that the US had invaded Haiti. Perhaps I missed a glancing mention of that elsewhere, but it's obvious that Berg generally doesn't know what to do with gaps between Wilson's rhetoric and his policies.
It's not that I demand a cynical interpretation of Wilson; it's that I demand an interpretation, rather than a lot of quotes that raise as many questions as they answer. Had Berg integrated Wilson's contradictions into a coherent theory of his ideology or personality, this would be a better book, even if I wasn't personally convinced by the theory. Berg isn't afraid to be negative about Wilson under certain circumstances. He particularly bats the administration around over the Espionage and Sedition Acts, as well he might. But then those laws, like Wilson's inflexible hostility to a former friend who turned against him over the former's plan to reform Princeton, demonstrate the one flaw allowed in Berg's conception of Woodrow Wilson: vindictive, self-aggrandizing behavior brought on by excess of noble passion. Wilson more or less admitted to that himself, and I don't think a good biography lets a subject dictate the presentation of his personality. Berg ought to have addressed, if only to refute, the possibility that self-pity, self-delusion, and hypocrisy played a greater role in Wilson's life than the man could ever have admitted, that his ideas are inextricably wound up with his psychological idiosyncrasies. This has as much to do with national history as with individual biography; when it comes to politics, personal quirks can have devastating effects. Berg presents the conflict over Senate ratification of the Versailles treaty as a battle between Wilson's stubborn support and Henry Cabot Lodge's politicized opposition. This is compelling as human drama, but what about the treaty itself? Were Wilson's basic ideas tenable? These are not insignificant issues, and Berg never acknowledges them.
Other problems of superficial presentation further weaken Wilson. Berg offers a fair amount of historical background, but much of it is overly general: I still have no real sense how trusts operated or how Wilson reformed their operation. And the end notes are formatted in a way that saves space but makes them useless for actually locating the sources of individual claims. But the largest flaw of a book that ends with a declaration of Wilson's enormous influence on the stormy present must be its disinclination to consider what that present tells us about him. Wilson believed (or said he believed) he was fighting a war to end war, creating an international organization that would ensure widespread peace. But the idea he unleashed, that the United States should participate and participate zealously in wars in which its stake is moral rather than actual, has drawn the country into what seems instead an endless cycle of conflict. Berg paints a poignant picture of the end of Wilson's life, as both his health and his hope that the United States would join the League of Nations were destroyed. It's a very sad story of crushed ambitions and small pleasures, moving even to someone with limited sympathy for the man. But surely Wilson, demoralized as he was by his final years, would be yet more horrified to see what the world looks like a century after his first inauguration. Horrified-- by a world of his own making. That is the true tragedy of Woodrow Wilson, the gap between what he dreamed and what he made, and the failure to examine how it came about means that despite taking up 750 pages, this biography doesn't even scratch the surface.
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